• Beaujour, P.M., Loranger-Merciris, G. & Cézilly, F. (2024). Sites and species contribution to the β-diversity of Odonata assemblages in Haiti: Implications for conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation 50: e02816.
  • Cambrone, C., Levesque, A. & Cézilly, F. (2024). Using citizen science and field surveys to document the introduction, establishment, and rapid spread of the Bare-eyed Pigeon, Patagioenas corensis, on the island of Saint-Martin, West Indies. Biology 13: 585.
  • Exantus, J.-M., Bezault, E., Cambrone, C. & Cézilly, F. (2024). Estimation of adult sex ratio and size-related sexual dimorphism based on molecular sex determination in the vulnerable La Selle thrush, Turdus swalesi. Animals 14: 842.
  • Loiz, C., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Barro, A. (2024). Diversity and endemism of Arctiinae moth assemblages in serpentine dry lowlands in Cuba. Journal of Insect Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10841-024-00632-w.
  • Vidal, A. & Cézilly, F. (2024). What causes differences in the age-class structure between suburban and forest populations of Anolis homolechis? Diversity 16: 35.


  • Cajigas Gandia, A., Bosch, R.A., Mancina, C.A. & Herrel, A. (2023). Climatic variation along the distributional range in Cuban Anolis lizards: Species and ecomorphs under future scenarios of climate change. Global Ecology and Conservation 42: e02401.
  • Cambrone, C., Jean-Pierre, A., Bezault, E. & Cézilly, F. (2023). Identifying global research and conservation priorities for Columbidae: a quantitative approach using random forest models. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1141072.
  • Exantus, J.-M. & Cézilly, F. (2023). Composition of avian assemblage in a protected forested area in Haiti: Evidence for recent decline of both forest-dependent and insectivore species. Global Ecology and Conservation 46: e02607.
  • Exantus, J.-M., Vidal, A. & Cézilly, F. (2023). Effects of deforestation on foraging behavior, ectoparasites, and adult survival in the vulnerable La Selle Thrush, Turdus swalesi, in Haiti. Sustainability 15: 16035.
  • Jean-Pierre, A., Loranger-Merciris, G., Saint-Louis, L.J. & Cézilly, F. (2023). Factors affecting spatial occupancy and local abundance of the Forest Thrush, Turdus lherminieri, in Guadeloupe forests. European Journal of Wildlife Research 69: 76.
  • Matignon, L., Lo, M.M., Monpierre, M., Correia, M.V., Valencia, D.P., Palmeira-Mello, M.V., Sylvestre, M.N., Pruneau, L., Sylvestre, M., Domenech, A., Benfodda, Z., Meffre, P. & Cebrián-Torrejón, G. (2023). Phytochemical and Biological Study of Trophic Interaction between Pseudosphinx Tetrio L. Larvae and Allamanda Cathartica L. Plants 12: 520.
  • Paul, J.M., Cézilly, F., Bezault, E. & Cambrone, C. (2023). Modelling the distribution of three invasive freshwater turtles in mainland Guadeloupe: Analysis of their presence, abundance and co-occurrence. Sustainability 15: 13450.
  • Paul, J.M., Saint-Louis, L.J. & Cézilly, F. (2023). Commercialization, vodou ritual, and use of the endangered Hispaniolan Slider, Trachemys decorata, in Haiti: implications for conservation. Chelonian Conservation Biology 22: 68-79.
  • Rodriguez-Silva, R., Spikes, M., Monsisbay, M.I. & Schlupp, I. (2023). Color polymorphism in the Cuban endemic livebearing fish Limia vittata (Teloestei, Poeciliidae): Potential roles of sexual and natural selection. Ecology & Evolution 13: e9768.
  • Vidal, A., Pradel, R. & Cézilly, F. (2023). Do suburban populations of lizards behave differently from forest ones? An analysis of perch height, time budget, and display rate in the Cuban endemic Anolis homolechis. Diversity 15: 261.


  • Beaujour, P.M. & Cézilly, F. (2022). The importance of urban green spaces for pollinating insects: The case of the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Caribbean Journal of Science 52: 238-249.
  • Cambrone, C., Motreuil, S., Reyes, F.O., Landestroy, M.A., Cézilly, F. & Bézault, E. (2022). Obtaining DNA samples from sensitive and endangered bird species: a comparison of saliva and blood samples. Ardeola 69: 311-326.
  • Jean-Pierre, A., Loranger-Merciris, G., Cézilly, F. (2022). Spatial occupancy, local abundance and activity rhythm of three ground dwelling columbid species in the forests of Guadeloupe in relation to environmental factors. Diversity 14: 480.
  • Paul, J.M., Saint-Louis, L.J., Olivier, A., Célestin, W. & Cézilly, F. (2022). Conservation status of the Hispaniolan slider Trachemys decorata (Barbour and Carr 1940) at Lake Trou Caïman, eastern Haiti: first data on an endemic, poorly studied, and endangered species. Herpetological Conservation & Biology 17: 612–622.
  • Tarazona Carrillo, K., Beziat, N., Cebrián-Torrejón, G., Gros, O., de la Mata, P. & Harynuk, J.J. (2022). Metabolomic analysis of secondary metabolites from Caribbean crab gills using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography - time-of-flight mass spectrometry – new inputs for a better understanding of symbiotic associations in crustaceans. Journal of Chromatography Open 2: 100069.
  • Vidal, A., Iturriaga, M., Mancina, C.A. & Cézilly, F. (2022). Differences in sex ratio, tail autotomy, body size and body condition between suburban and forest populations of the Cuban endemic lizard Anolis homolechis. Urban Ecosystems 25: 1711–1723.


  • Atherley, N.A.M., Dennis, M.M., Behringer, D.C. & Freeman, M.A. (2021). Size at sexual maturity and seasonal reproductive activity of the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 671: 129-145.
  • Béziat, N.S., Duperron, S., Halary, S. Azede, C. & Gros, O. (2021) Bacterial ectosymbionts colonizing gills of two Caribbean mangrove crabs. Symbiosis, 85: 105-114.
  • Cambrone, C., Bezault, E. & Cézilly, F. (2021) Efficiency of the call‑broadcast method for detecting two Caribbean‑endemic columbid game species. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67: 65.
  • Cambrone, C., Cézilly, F., Wattier, R., Eraud, C. & Bezault, E. (2021). Levels of genetic differentiation and gene flow between four populations of the Scaly-naped Pigeon, Patagioenas squamosa: implications for conservation. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 57: 349-361.
  • Del Castillo Domínguez, S.L., González, C.A., Fernández, E.B., Pelea, L.P., Cézilly, F. & Bosch, R.A. (2021). Predicting the invasion of the acoustic niche: Potential distribution and call transmission efficiency of a newly introduced frog in Cuba. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 19: 90-97.
  • Exantus, J.-M., Beaune, D. & Cézilly, F. (2021). The relevance of urban agroforestry and urban remnant forest for avian diversity in a densely-populated developing country: The case of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 63: 127217.
  • Rodriguez-Silva, R., Josaphat, J., Patricia Torres-Pineda, P. & Schlupp, I. (2021). Annotated list of livebearing fish (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliinae) from Lake Miragoane in Southwestern Haiti, Hispaniola. Novitates Caribaea 17: 147–162.
  • Rodriguez-Silva, R. & Schlupp, I. (2021). Biogeography of the West Indies: A complex scenario for species radiations in terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Ecology and Evolution 6: 2416–2430.
  • Rodriguez-Silva, R., Spikes, M., Iturriaga, M., Bennett, K.-A., Josaphat, J., Torres-Pineda, P., Bräger, S. & Schlupp, I. (2021). Feeding strategies and diet variation in livebearing fishes of the genus Limia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) in the Greater Antilles. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31: 389-400.
  • Saint-Louis, L.J., Paul, J.M, Célestin, W., Beaune, D. & Cézilly, F. (2021). A baseline survey of waterbirds in five major wetlands of Haiti. Waterbirds 44, 370-375.
  • Spikes, M., Rodríguez-Silva, R., Bennett, KA., Bräger, S., Josaphat, J., Torres‑Pineda, P., Ernst, A., Havenstein, K., Schlupp, I. & Tiedemann, R. (2021) A phylogeny of the genus Limia (Teleostei: Poeciliidae) suggests a single-lake radiation nested in a Caribbean-wide allopatric speciation scenario. BMC Res Notes 14, 425.
  • Vallès, H., Labaude, S., Bezault, E., Browne, D., Deacon, A., Guppy, R., Pujadas Clavel,  A. & Cézilly, F. (2021) Low contribution of Caribbean-based researchers to academic publications on biodiversity conservation in the insular Caribbean. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 19: 443-453.


  • Atherley, N.A.M., Dennis, M.M. & Freeman, M.A. (2020). Two species of Carcinonemertes Coe, 1902 (Nemertea: Carcinonemertidae) infesting the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804) (Decapoda: Achelata: Palinuridae), in Saint Kitts, West Indies. Journal of Crustacean Biology 40: 933–942.
  • Atherley, N.A.M., Freeman, M.A. & Dennis, M.M. (2020). Post-mortem examination of the Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus, Latreille 1804) and pathology in a fishery of the Lesser Antilles. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 175: 107453.
  • Rodriguez-Silva, R., Torres-Pineda, P. & Josaphat, J. (2020). Limia mandibularis, a new livebearing fish (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) from Lake Miragoane, Haiti. Zootaxa 4768: 395–404.
  • Rodriguez-Silva, R. & Weaver, P.F. (2020). A new livebearing fish of the genus Limia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) from Lake Miragoane, Haiti. Journal of Fish Biology 96: 1360–1369.
  • Zhao, M., Behringer, D.C., Bojko, J., Kough, A.S., Plough, L., Prestes dos Santos Tavares, C., Aguilar-Perera, A., Reynoso, O.S. Seepersad, G., Maharaj, O., Sanders, M.B., Carnales, D., Fabiano, G., Carnevia, D., Freeman, M.A., Atherley, N.A.M., Medero-Hernández, L.D. & Schott, E.J. (2020). Climate and season are associated with prevalence and distribution of trans-hemispheric blue crab reovirus (Callinectes sapidus reovirus 1). Marine Ecology Progress Series 647: 123–133.


  • Small, H.J., Stentiford, G.D., Behringer, D.C., Freeman, M.A., Atherley, N.A.M., Reece, K.S., Bateman, K.S. & Shields, J.D. (2019). Characterization of microsporidian Ameson herrnkindi sp. nov. infecting Caribbean spiny lobsters Panulirus argus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 136: 209–218.