Projects in progress

Herpestes javanicus
Study of invasive exotic mammals in insular environments: impacts on health and biodiversity in the West Indies
West Indies PhD project-
Yuna Mélane (Guadeloupe)

Trachemys decorata © Brian Gratwicke
Interactions between invasive and native Trachemys species of freshwater turtles in the insular Caribbean
Haiti PhD project-
Jeffey Mackenzy Paul (Haiti)
Completed projects

Lepidodactylus lugubris
Distribution, relative abundance and diet of the mourning gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris, introduced in Guadeloupe
Guadeloupe Master project-
Gloria Chance (Haiti)

Estimation of the invasive potential of reptile species in the Caribbean region
Insular Caribbean Master project-
Yuna Mélane (Guadeloupe)

Anolis sagrei © Nosferattus
Contribution to the analysis of the diet of Invasive Alien Species in the Lesser Antilles by NGS metabarcoding method
Lesser Antilles Bachelor project-
Maryne Romuald (Guadeloupe)

Characterization of bacterial ectosymbionts colonizing gills and endophragm of mangrove crabs in Guadeloupe
Guadeloupe PhD project-
Naëma Beziat (Guadeloupe)

Leptodactylus fragilis © Josiah Townsend
Potential distribution of a new introduced frog in Cuba, Leptodactylus fragilis (Anura Leptodactylidae): Predicting the invasion of acoustic niche
Cuba Master project-
Sergio del Castillo (Cuba)