Protecting the exceptional natural heritage of the insular Caribbean
Colaptes fernandinae © Jesus Reina

Our mission
Capacity building for biodiversity conservation in the insular Caribbean
The Caribbean islands are one of the most biodiverse sites in the world, but are also among the areas most exposed to the consequences of climate change. Caribaea Initiative is the only international nature-conservation organisation undertaking actions that cover the whole of the Caribbean islands, regardless of linguistic, cultural or political barriers.
Our primary mission is to help Caribbean island countries to optimally manage and protect their amazing shared natural heritage, in particular by reinforcing and promoting local scientific expertise.
Since 2014, Caribaea Initiative has been developing research projects and educational initiatives focusing on the study and protection of Caribbean biodiversity. These projects have ensured the training of a growing number of Caribbean students to primary degree, Master’s and doctorate level. Major advances have already been made, such as through the discovery of new species or the protection of sites that are home to exceptional biodiversity.
Our priorities
Biodiversity conservation
& sustainable development
Increasing knowledge and strengthening expertise in key areas
Our projects
Membership and Donations
Become a member or make a donation
Your financial support helps us to develop research and environmental education in the Caribbean islands.